Shazna Ansar
Chief Accountant
I am the head of accounts at Hummingbird Travel and I manage a great team of accountants who are responsible in making sure our accounts and finances are in check. I am based in Australia with my family and manage my team remotely, which is why you get emails from at odd hours. I spent many years in Maldives before I moved and during that time I got to visit a few resorts. My favourite would be Soneva Fushi, for its lovely beaches, romantic villas and the 24 hours open chocolate and ice cream rooms.
- Last Visited: Sonevafushi , Maldives
- Favourite Destination: Sri Lanka
- Favourite Resort: One & Only Reethi Rah
- Bucket List: Mauritius, Seychelles
- Insider Tip: Don’t waste too much time with your camera when in resort. Enjoy every moment.